Vlado Tešanović Apps

The Famous Grouse 2.5
U nekom od brojnih kafića potražite The FamousGrouse hostese i dobit ćete letak na kojem je QRkod za instalacijuaplikacije i QRkod za nagradnu igru. Sa nagradnog letka je potrebnoskenirati QRkod aplikacije i instalirati ga pametni telefon.Pokrenite The Famous Grouse aplikaciju sa pametnog telefona iskenirajte nagradni QRkod na prednjoj strani letka, napravitefotku, upišite ime, e-mail i pošaljite sliku. Autor slike koja budeimala najviše lajkova u toku jednog mjeseca osvaja Prestigiomobilni telefon.Jedan autor može mjesečno osvojiti samo jednu nagradu. Svakinaredni mjesec možete ponovo prijaviti svoju sliku.Aplikacija je predviđena za operativne sistem Android iIphone.Sretni dobitnici, za mjesečnu nagradu, će biti objavljeni nawww.thefamousgrouse.baPridružite nam se u avanturi i uživajte u The Famous Grouse!In one of the many cafes,see The Famous Grouse hostess and you will receive a leaflet inwhich the QRkod to install applications and QRkod for the prizedraw. With the award of the leaflet is to scan QRkod applicationand install it smart phone. The Famous Grouse Run the applicationfrom your smart phone and scan the prize QRkod on the front of theleaflet, make a photo, type a name, e-mail and send a picture. Theimage that had to be the most likes in one month wins Prestigiomobile phone.One author per month can only win one prize. Every month you canreapply your picture.The application is designed for operating system Android andIphone.The lucky winners, for a monthly prize will be announced onwww.thefamousgrouse.baJoin us in the adventure and enjoy The Famous Grouse!
Penalty Eyes 1.0
Would you like to find out how the refereessee the situations in the box when Brasil players are there?It is a unique experience - try it!
The Pigo 1.0
We are proud to present "The Pigo" ( The Lost Piranha ). The storytakes place in the murky waters of the Amazon, where our piranha istrying to survive the harsh world of the swamp. The game objectiveis to eat as many of the fish that cross your path as possible. Thehero of our game is Pigo, a young adolescent and mildly neuroticpiranha with an anger management problem. In his initial, normalstate, Pigo can eat only the small white fish, but swallowing the"slow"worms causes a sudden onset of rage, which allows him to eatanything that comes his way. His addiction to fish adrenaline canonly be satisfied by gobbling up the "speed"worms which give him aspeed boost, but also make him very vulnerable so that he mustavoid everything in his path.In turn, however, this provides himwith an opportunity to score additional bonus points if he survivesthis crazy slalom. Your result is entered into a Google high scorelist, where it is ranked against the results of other Pigo-fans.Can you be a bigger Pigo than your best friend? Advisory Note:Thegame brings out a hidden piranha in each of us, it is in no wayeasy and certainly not recommended to people with sensitive nerves;) The Lost Piranha - Slow down - Speed up - Amazon background -Link score via Facebook - Game center - Leaderboard
Jahorina 1.2.0
Vremenska prognoza za Jahorinu